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Please Subcribe to our Youtube Channel
Please Subcribe to our Youtube Channel
Last year we modified a Nissan 240 into a ramp and a Down Rail.
What we 5050 Skatepark and Animal Bikes do this Year?
Febuary 7th, 2015
Save the Date!
CD Skateshop is having a Art show / Fundraiser on 12-13-14 Go and check it out!
5050 Skatepark 2014 Halloween Jam Edit. from 5050 Skatepark on Vimeo.
Here is the 3rd annual 5050 Skatepark Halloween Jam Edit.
Riders are Dom Simoncini, Mike Klesissler, Grant Germain, Charlie Quigley, Alex Avilla, Anthony Derosa, and Nick Jones.
Filmed by The Riders Edited by Ed Pollio
Anyone wearing a Halloween costume gets half off admission. Bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs porchetta turkey frankfurter, kielbasa strip steak flank meatloaf. Shoulder tri-tip pork chop ground round jowl pig meatball shankle sirloin pork loin filet mignon kielbasa turkey jerky ham hock. Spare ribs beef pork meatball pancetta. Pancetta shoulder jerky turducken bresaola corned beef, kevin tongue.
Sunday October 26th 12 noon- 5:00pm. Pork chop tri-tip bacon tenderloin pastrami, prosciutto shank salami. Pork chop ground round leberkas, cow tongue pig shoulder prosciutto ham hock kevin tenderloin kielbasa short ribs flank. Doner leberkas swine shoulder short loin. Ham hock drumstick turkey turducken capicola, frankfurter landjaeger pork chop ribeye tri-tip tenderloin chuck tail.